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You've Found Me!

This is the repository of a portion of my creative genius that was more than could handle. But feel free to take a look over there and do some shopping while you're at it. Here you'll find my blog, my Cooking with Wine videos (vlogs, if you will) that I started taping for my friend living in Russia, as well as my social media links including TWO, count 'em, two Instagram links, one for my pug Leeloo, and one of me working with hand tools.

Full on Garden

Sorry it's been so long since I posted, I got a job!!!!!!!! But it does take up all my free time... oh wait, no, that's remodeling the HOUSE that takes up my free time. What is free time anyway? read more >

Seedlings Update

Last week I transplanted these little darlings from the egg carton that my mother convinced me to start them in. This week, they really started to take off. read more >

Planting the Food

Before you can cook with the very freshest of ingredients, you have to grow them yourself. Right? Well, maybe not, there's always the Farmer's Market... read more >

Game Day Casserole

Wherein I take a perfectly good recipe and turn it on it's head and make a casserole out of it. Because, why wouldn't you? It's not that I have anything against sweet more >